For example: squat, shave my legs, and honestly wipe!!! WHAT THE!!!! I think I start to sweat like a obese kid featured on Maury that can devour 10 cheeseburgers in one sitting. I can feel my center of gravity shifting, and it is getting really hard to do "normal" things. And if this baby decides to play games again, there will be a rumble!!! But wtf, the lady that did my ultrasound seemed like I shouldn't come back "because what if he doesn't want to move again?" Umm, lady, I SAID I WANT TO COME BACK, SO I AM COMING BACK DAMMIT! It's my stinky 30 dollars, my baby who was just kicking the hell out of me on our way here so do as I say, and book my next appointment. It was just going to cost an extra $30, fine, I'll do it, I WANT TO DO IT. PUNK!!! So whatever, we got lots of pictures with half his face, two 30 minute dvd's and a CD with tons of pictures.Īnd because I wasn't completely satisfied, you are able to come back within two weeks to try it all over again, and get the actual package you paid for.
#Tool crib back up in feature cam tv
I tried to get him to move: punched my stomach (lol jk, don't pick up your phone and try to call DCFS), sucked on a sour lollipop, drank cold water, flipped from side to side, but nothing worked!!! I think he knew we were all watching his moves on the huge tv screen and wanted to play games with us already. LAZYYYYYY!!!! For 30 minutes, he stayed in one place with half his face resting on my placenta. I was really anxious and excited to see how much he's grown, and really wanted to see his face. Last Saturday, 05.16.09, we had our 4D ultrasound appointment that was solely for our entertainment purposes only.