Example 1: Copy Range and paste to another worksheetExcel VBA Code Fails Inconsistently When Trying to Copy/Paste Strings from MSWord to MSExcel Hot Network Questions With a separation of 1000 feet, in flight is there any danger of severe wake turbulenceThe below code copy Sheet1 A1 to Sheet2 B1. Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Copy (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1"))If there are more than one Range to copy, you just need to specific the first Range of the destination. Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B1").Copy (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1")) Example 2: copy rowThe below code copy from Sheet1 row 1:2 to Sheet2 row 6.Note that if you copy a row to destination, the destination Range must be a Row or a Range in column A. Sheets("Sheet1").Rows("1:2").Copy (Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A6"))OR Sheets("Sheet1").Rows("1:2").Copy (Sheets("Sheet2").Rows("6:6"))OR Sheets("Sheet1").Rows("1:2").Copy (Sheets("Sheet2").Rows("6:7")) Example 3: copy row and paste to new inserted row ActiveCell.EntireRow.CopyThe below code copy Sheet1 column A:B to Sheet2 column B:C (because it pastes at B1).
To do this in a macro, you can use the PasteSpecial method. PasteSpecial ( Paste, Operation, SkipBlanks, Transpose)Specifies the part of the range to be pasted.Specifies how numeric data will be calculated with the destinations cells on the worksheet.True to have blank cells in the range on the clipboard not be pasted into the destination range. The default value is False.True to transpose rows and columns when the range is pasted.
Whatever your needs, the VBA PasteSpecial method can probably help you.This isn’t the first time we’ve used the VBA PasteSpecial command here. Maybe you like your coworker’s color scheme but need static data (i.e., no formulas) or maybe the formulas are awesome and you hate the color scheme. Excel offers all kinds of features, like conditional formatting, data validation, data-type formatting, and beautifying aspects like borders and cell colors, and we can copy all of them or a subset thereof. If we humans had to type out a 50-digit code, we would almost certainly make a mistake - at the very least, it would take much longer than the copy/paste we are used to.However, sometimes we want to copy more than just plain text.
Data validation requiring a number greater than or equal to zero in the Quantity columnSo let’s see how PasteSpecial can copy all or part of this dataset with complex formatting.Before we begin our journey, we need to clarify the object associated with PasteSpecial: the Range object.Our range in the dataset is A1:F5. Data-type formatting for percentages or currency amounts Conditional formatting on the Change % column (any negative difference is green, and a positive difference over 5% is red)
Paste Special In Excel Vba Free VBA Developer
PasteSpecial Paste : = xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats End SubIt’s very important that you remember to copy something to your clipboard before you try to paste. I’ve made hundreds of pre-built macros like this one and I want to send them to you so you can master file I/O, arrays, strings and more.Sub Paste_Range () Dim range_to_copy As Range , range_for_pasting As Range Set range_to_copy = Range ( "A1:F5" ) Set range_for_pasting = Range ( "A7" ) range_to_copy. We’ll demonstrate the important ones, but here’s a complete list of all of them:Make powerful spreadsheets with our free VBA Developer's GuideIt’s easy to copy and paste a macro like this, but it’s harder make one on your own. There’s a long list of accepted values for the Paste (XlPasteType) argument. PasteSpecial is Paste, which determines exactly what you want to paste: formats, formulas, validation, and so on. We’re going to cover each of these arguments in detail and give you helpful examples to demonstrate how they work.The first argument for.
PasteSpecial xlPasteFormatsWe end up with the bottom dataset formatted just like the top, transferring our complex formatting rules seamlessly.The formats from the top range are transferred to the bottomThis same type of PasteSpecial can be done for validation rules, column widths, and comments. The ability to paste what you want and ignore what you don’t want makes VBA PasteSpecial a really valuable feature.Note, if you’d rather paste the values only, without the number formats, you would run a macro with a snippet like this:Range ( "J1:L4" ). The data validation in our original data set would have prevented us from having a text entry, but since we only copied values and formulas, the data validation rules in our pasted range are gone. Furthermore, we manually typed “three” into cell B8 (after running the macro). Copy method of the Range object, like we did in our example.As you can see, the cell F9 has no formula in it while the original, F3, does.
These arithmetic operations are represented by the following keywords:There’s also an xlPasteSpecialOperationNone keyword, but it doesn’t do any arithmetic operations. You can use one of the four basic arthimetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide). This nifty little argument lets you perform mathematical operations between copied and destination data. It’s nice to be able to paste everything but the borders into a new range.The second optional argument for the PasteSpecial method is Operation.
Addition and multiplication are commutative, because the order doesn’t matter.Two sets of numbers for doing math operationsIf you just want to add the numbers together, you can use this code:Sub add_two_ranges_together () Dim range_to_copy as Range , range_for_pasting As Range Set range_to_copy = Range ( "A1:D4" ) Set range_for_pasting = Range ( "A6" ) range_to_copy. Is the operator, or in other words, when order doesn’t matter. Commutative OperationsA commutative operation is one in which a.b = b.a, where. We’ll show a couple examples so this will make more sense.
You won’t always get whole numbers, but we made our numbers nice for you.Let’s take a look at a division PasteSpecial example.Sub divide_set_by_one_number () Dim range_to_copy as Range , range_for_pasting As Range Set range_to_copy = Range ( "D1" ) Set range_for_pasting = Range ( "A6:D9" ) range_to_copy. for division, the destination range will be divided by the numbers in the original, copied range - xlPasteSpecialOperationDivideWith our original numbers from above, if you use the top set as range_to_copy and the bottom set as range_for_pasting, you should get whole numbers as below when using the division operator. for subtraction, the original, copied range will be subtracted from the destination range - xlPasteSpecialOperationSubtract Non-commutative OperationsDivision and subtraction are non-commutative, so order is important.There are two possiblities for non-commutative operations for VBA PasteSpecial: Since the order doesn’t matter, you can simply replace “Add” with “Multiply” in the code above.
PasteSpecial SkipBlanks : = False End SubIf we skip blanks, the original data is retained, but if we do not skip blanks, the original data is overwritten with empty cells. PasteSpecial SkipBlanks : = True range_for_pasting_two. The following macro demonstrates each method and gives us the following results after running this code block:Sub to_skipblanks_or_not_to_skipblanks () Dim range_to_copy As Range , range_for_pasting As Range , range_for_pasting_two As Range Set range_to_copy = Range ( "A1:C5" ) Set range_for_pasting = Range ( "A7" ) Set range_for_pasting_two = Range ( "A14" ) range_to_copy. This is why I said the last two arguments control the behavior of PasteSpecial, rather than controlling what’s actually pasted.For this part, let’s use the following dataset:Some email addresses and files to send, with a dummy datasetUsing TRUE or FALSE for the SkipBlanks argument controls what the PasteSpecial method does when it encounters an empty cell.